Saturday, June 25, 2011


Posted by Brit

I've been at the new place for about ten days now.  No internet yet, which is the reason for a lack of posts.  Tia and I have learned more and more about the neighborhood.  Summary: We're not feeling it.  Luckily we had an addendum built into our lease that with thirty days notice we could get out and get our deposit back.  So we're out on the house hunt again.  We've got a couple of prospects and our very generous landlord is looking into buying a couple of places here in town so he is going to see if he can get in to show them to us before buying.  He could close in thirty days if we choose to go that route.  Newton isn't really that bad even it's worst neighborhoods - but with it being just the two of us now we really want to be comfortable being in our home.  I will update with some news sometime soon!